Friday, September 11, 2009

Storytime with Kaitlyn

Once upon a time, in the lovely town of Fisherville, Ontario, a certain pastor and DPS intern were to attend a winkle (circuit meeting of pastors & church workers) in Beamsville. Though a shortage of maps in the car there certainly were not, the refusal to make use of said maps (*cough* by the one who wasn't driving, who, by the way, was not the dps intern) resulted in the pair of them gallovanting through absolutely spectacular landscape along the escarpment and after nearly 2.5 hours finding themselves in St. Catherines...mere blocks from the seminary, in fact. While one of them was perhaps tempted to crash a seminary class, the lateness of the hour (in combination with better judgment) sadly prevented such shinnanigans. Eventually, however, they came upon the legendary 406 and hightailed it back to Beamsville. Happily, they made it well in time for the pizza lunch. And they may or may not have gotten turned around heading home again, but that, my friends, is another story for another time.